Auction House
A guide with information pertaining to LilacMC's auction house. Written by Caelithea.
Last updated
A guide with information pertaining to LilacMC's auction house. Written by Caelithea.
Last updated
The auction house is a feature you can access on the server by typing [/ah]. Its function is to allow players to buy and sell items in a more direct way (as opposed to chest shops). Each item stays on the auction house for a total of 72 hours (3 days), and you can list the item again immediately after time runs out if it doesn't sell.
The most important command to remember is [/ah sell (amount)]. This command can be used while holding an item to list it for sale on the auction house. For example, say I want to sell a crate key on the auction house. I would make sure I’m holding the item in my hand, then I would type the command [/ah sell 50000]. You are then prompted with a confirmation screen. Simply click the green on the left to confirm, or click the red on the right if you want to redo or cancel your item.
Hovering over the diamond icon on the bottom row of the auction house, you can see how many current items you have up for sale, as well as your money balance. Clicking on this icon simply gives you a list of every item you have up for sale, the price of the item, the remaining time left, and the ability to cancel the auction at the click of a button.
The collection bin is where all of your items go if they weren’t purchased within the 72 hour time period. Same as before, once you click on the ender chest icon, you are given a list of each item you had previously up for sale. Simply click on the item to return it to your inventory, and feel free to list it again at the same or different price!
This feature allows you to filter all auction house listings to suit your needs by clicking through a series of different options. First, let’s discuss “item category.” This can be changed by left-clicking the compass icon. The following options are:
Most of these are self-explanatory, however there are a few that require some additional input. “Misc” refers to anything that doesn’t fit into the previous 8 categories. “Self” refers to all auctions that you currently have up for sale.
Finally, let’s discuss “Sort Order.” There are two options for this feature, and they are “Recent” or “Price.” You can switch between these two by shift right-clicking the compass icon. “Recent” sorts all items by the amount of time left before it is removed from the auction house from most recent to least recent. “Price” sorts all items by the total price of the item from most expensive to least expensive.
The “Transactions” feature can be accessed by clicking the paper icon. Hovering over it will show you a brief review of your transaction history, including your total number of items bought and total number of items sold. Clicking on the icon, you are given 2 options, “All Transactions” and “Your Transactions.”
The first option will show you every single transaction that occurred through the auction house from any buyer or seller.
The second option will only show you the transactions that you were a part of, whether it be buying or selling.
Each respective option has a similar sorting filter as seen in “Filter Options.”
Access the auction house by using the command [/ah]
Sell an item on the auction house by using the command [/ah sell (amount)]
Your items stay up for only 72 hours, then they get moved to your collection bin.
You can see your current auctions by clicking the diamond icon labeled “Your Auctions”
You can access your unsold items by clicking the ender chest icon labeled “Collection Bin”
You can filter the auction house items by left-clicking and shift right-clicking the compass icon labeled “Filter Options”
You can see all transactions, whether yours or others, by clicking the paper icon labeled “Transactions”
The “Transactions” section also has a “Filter Options” feature